Boston Children's Museum
308 Congress Street, Boston, MA 02210
© Boston Children’s Museum 2025
Website Design by JackrabbitHaving kids conduct test marketing for their sodas is a great way to work on oral and written literacy skills, data collection and analysis, tabulation and distinguishing characteristics of an object.
See previous Soda Science activity for preparation instructions. Gather paper, markers, crayons, etc. This activity is a follow up to Soda Science – Improving Your Recipe.
Have a conversation with your students about test marketing. What sort of work goes into a product before a company sells it? Companies test market products (try them out on a few people before they sell them to lots of people) in order to decide if any changes need to be made. This marketing includes trying out different names and packaging, and also tries to find out if changes need to be made to the recipe.
Try your recipes out on your classmates and see if they like it as much as you do.
After conducting the surveys, bring your students together to talk about the process. Were the surveys helpful? Are there any changes they would like to make to their recipes or their soda name based on the survey feedback? Once they make those changes, how will they let the world know about their great new creations?
After the discussion, have your students go back to their teams and discuss any changes that they might make. Have them make a batch of their new soda using the suggestions from the surveys. If you have time, you can move on to session 4 creating advertisements for their new sodas.