Boston Children's Museum
308 Congress Street, Boston, MA 02210
© Boston Children’s Museum 2025
Website Design by JackrabbitMany of the activities in this curriculum rely on kids working together as a team. Engaging children early on in team-building activities such as this one can help to create a foundation for later team-based work in which collaborating together is critical to students’ success.
If you did the activity, ask your students about their experience doing the Hula Hoop Challenge. What sorts of things did they do to make it easier?
Standing in a circle holding hands, can the whole group of students pass a “pulse” all the way around the circle? How quickly can they do it? Can they beat their best time? In this challenge, the “pulse” is when one child squeezes the hand of the child next to them. The second child then squeezes the hand of the next child, etc., until the pulse travels all the way back around to the first child.
After their first try, ask them how this activity was different from the Hula Hoop Challenge. Was it easier, harder, or about the same? What are some things they can do so that they can send the pulse more quickly the next time they try? Does the group think they can beat their first time?
Have the group try again and see if they can beat their best time. Try a few times until you feel they have a sense of accomplishment.