Boston Children's Museum
308 Congress Street, Boston, MA 02210
© Boston Children’s Museum 2025
Website Design by JackrabbitGiving clear, concise instructions to others is an important skill for children to learn. In this game, students will practice using descriptive vocabulary, communicating ideas to others, recognizing steps in a process and recognizing the importance of the use of clear language.
Gather the necessary materials. You may want to wear an apron or even make a trash bag smock—this can get messy (but that’s most of the fun)!
Ask your students if they have ever followed a recipe before. What kinds of things have they made? Does anyone know how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Would they teach you how?
Teach everyone else how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
After your first sandwich, ask you students if they think their instructions were clear or not. What are some things they might have done differently?
Have your students write a new recipe, collect these and follow these instructions. Hopefully you will have a clearer recipe for making this new sandwich. If you would like, you can repeat this activity with a student playing the role of sandwich maker.
Some “unclear” instructions and some suggested reactions: